Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Reminder of Classroom Policies


Parents and Students:
Please be reminded of the following policies for all of Mrs. Bozeman’s English II students:

1.  Late work is not accepted unless a student has been absent. Exception: Students may use ONE homework pass to turn an assignment in the day after it is due (one day late only). Students have FOUR passes for the SEMESTER. These should be used in emergencies.

2.  Students have one day for each day they are absent to complete make-up work. It is not acceptable for students to ask to make up an assignment two or three weeks after it was due, even if they were absent.

3.  I will post grades on a regular basis. I do not retest or allow students to re-do assignments for a 70. Students are given an optional six weeks test to improve their lowest test grade and their overall six weeks average. This does not apply to writing assignments or projects.

4.  Parents should remember that part of my goal as a educator is to help students learn to be responsible for his or her actions. If a student fails to complete an assignment, an extra credit assignment will not be given to cover the failing grade. If your student chooses to be a discipline problem in class and does not complete his or her work, then he or she will be solely responsible for the grade received.

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January 2011


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