Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Week of April 28, 2014

Objective(s): TLW (The learner will) answer study questions. TLW read a novel. TLW participate in oral discussion of a novel. TLW complete graphic organizers for a novel. TLW take a quiz. TLW evaluate vocabulary for root word connections.
TEKS: 1-C-infer word meanings through other word relationships; 2 -C figurative language in a literary text; 5-comprehension of fiction; 5 (A)-analyze isolated scenes; 5 (B)-analyze moral dilemmas in fiction; 7(A)- function of symbolism, allegory, allusions in literary works; 12-C; 25 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction-all parts
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: 1.H; 5.B; 4.G; 4.J; CCRS: Reading II. C.2; C.4; Writing I.A.4–1, 2, ; I.A.5
TAKS Domain(s): All domains
Novels, handouts
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Students will continue reading HOMS. Take Quiz on HOMS; Interview another student in class. Homework: Write up interview–due Friday
Periods 2-4-6-7: Warm-up: Word Roots exercise from Writing Coach workbook. Students will read Ch. 8 of Ender’s Gameā€”use youtube audio book. Study questions for Ch. 8.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Watch Cisneros interview #2. (youtube). Read HOMS. Use sticky notes to record thematic motifs.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Students will read Ch. 8 of Ender’s Game and complete study questions. Activity on word roots.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Mr. Hale will do schedules
Periods 2-4-6-7: Mr. Hale will do schedules
Thursday Pre-AP: Vocabulary Quiz #12. Check packet and take quiz. Read HOMS orally. “Spontaneous Monologue” exercise.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Word roots exercise #3. Read Ch. 9 of Ender’s Game. Work on questions for Ch. 8-9 “All in the Family.”
Friday Pre-AP: Read HOMS orally. Present interviews.
Period 2-4-6-7: Continue with 9; complete study questions/scavenger hunt.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks; reading response questions/tests/projects
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April 2014


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