Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Week of May 19, 2014 to May 27, 2014


Pre-AP students will be completing their blogs this week for A House on Mango Street.  Due Dates:  Wed., May 21–the thematic one-pager is due. All final blog posts are due no later than the end of class on May 27th.

Many students will be absent this week for Scholastic Day (Thurs) . This means they may need to work on their blogs for homework. Students taking the exam will receive reviews no later than Wednesday.

Periods 2-4-6-7: Finish Ender’s Game. Final novel test on Wed. or Thurs. May 21-22 depending on the period. We will read to the end of Ch. 13. and students will be required to complete study questions on Ch. 12-13 and turn in for a daily grade. Projects will be started on Monday, May 19 and must be finished by Wednesday, May 21. The project is a dialogue jacket using two of the characters from Ender’s Game. Students taking the exam will receive their reviews by Wednesday.

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Week of May 12, 2014

Objective(s): TLW answer scavenger hunt questions. TLW read a novel. TLW participate in oral discussion of a novel. TLW complete a graphic organizer on characterization. TLW will write a blog post.
TEKS: Reading 2.A- theme and genre; 2.C-figurative language to historical/cultural setting; 5.A- analyze isolated scenes/contribution to plot; 5.B-moral dilemmas of characters; 7.A—symbolism, allegory, allusion; 8.A-controlling idea of a passage; 24-Listening; 25-Speaking
ELPS/CCRS: CCRS: Reading II. B.3 use reference guides;, B.1-vocabulary; Writing I.A-author’s purpose, Writing A.5-editing skills; V. Research ELPS: Writing – 5. A-G skills
Instructional Materials Novels, handouts, graphic organizers; tests, quizzes
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP:HOMS–Quiz #3; blog posts–photo vignettes
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game, read to end of Ch. 11 Begin Ch. 10-11 questions. Due on Wed. Finish handout on Idioms
Tuesday Pre-AP: HOMS vignette writing; “Onion Writing” assignment
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game—Ch. 11-12 complete questions.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Continue with vignette writing/blog posts; pre-reading card due tomorrow.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ender’s Game. Ch. 13—read aloud.
Thursday Pre-AP: HOMS blogs
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ender’s Game; Ch. 10-11 questions.
Friday Pre-AP: Blog posts
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test over Ender’s Game, Chapters 11-12. If not ready will take test on Monday.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks; reading response questions/graphic organizers
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Week of May 5, 2014

Objective(s): TLW answer scavenger hunt questions. TLW read a novel. TLW participate in oral discussion of a novel. TLW will write a blog post. TLW take a novel quiz or test.
TEKS: 1-vocab development (all sections); 5A, B, C & D-fiction reading; 7-literary allusion;
ELPS/CCRS: CCRS: Reading II. B.3 use reference guides;, B.1-vocabulary; Writing I.A-author’s purpose, Writing A.5-editing skills; V. Research ELPS: Writing – 5. A-G skills
Instructional Materials Novels, handouts, graphic organizers; tests, quizzes
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Quiz #2 on HOMS–to page 64. Present interviews.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Handout/practice on pronouns and antecedents. Ender’s Game, read to end of Ch. 9./Elaboration exercise. Describe an item you own.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Prep work on thematic motif for one pager/Read HOMS
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ender’s Game, Ch. 10/Project on designing a motif for a Battle Group-explain
Wednesday Pre-AP: AM classes: Biology EOC
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ender’s Game/Ch. 10. Begin reading Ch. 11 also/crossword puzzles for Ender’s Game vocabulary/work on platoon designs
Thursday Pre-AP: Read vignettes in HOMS/Work on thematic motifs charts and one-pager. Assign photo vignette. Students may work on this assignment if time permits.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game Test over Ch. 1-10.
Friday Pre-AP: “Guided Writing” story.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ender’s Game. Questions for chapters 10-11. Begin “Guided Writing” story.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks; reading response questions/graphic organizers
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Week of April 28, 2014

Objective(s): TLW (The learner will) answer study questions. TLW read a novel. TLW participate in oral discussion of a novel. TLW complete graphic organizers for a novel. TLW take a quiz. TLW evaluate vocabulary for root word connections.
TEKS: 1-C-infer word meanings through other word relationships; 2 -C figurative language in a literary text; 5-comprehension of fiction; 5 (A)-analyze isolated scenes; 5 (B)-analyze moral dilemmas in fiction; 7(A)- function of symbolism, allegory, allusions in literary works; 12-C; 25 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Fiction-all parts
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: 1.H; 5.B; 4.G; 4.J; CCRS: Reading II. C.2; C.4; Writing I.A.4–1, 2, ; I.A.5
TAKS Domain(s): All domains
Novels, handouts
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Students will continue reading HOMS. Take Quiz on HOMS; Interview another student in class. Homework: Write up interview–due Friday
Periods 2-4-6-7: Warm-up: Word Roots exercise from Writing Coach workbook. Students will read Ch. 8 of Ender’s Game—use youtube audio book. Study questions for Ch. 8.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Watch Cisneros interview #2. (youtube). Read HOMS. Use sticky notes to record thematic motifs.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Students will read Ch. 8 of Ender’s Game and complete study questions. Activity on word roots.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Mr. Hale will do schedules
Periods 2-4-6-7: Mr. Hale will do schedules
Thursday Pre-AP: Vocabulary Quiz #12. Check packet and take quiz. Read HOMS orally. “Spontaneous Monologue” exercise.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Word roots exercise #3. Read Ch. 9 of Ender’s Game. Work on questions for Ch. 8-9 “All in the Family.”
Friday Pre-AP: Read HOMS orally. Present interviews.
Period 2-4-6-7: Continue with 9; complete study questions/scavenger hunt.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks; reading response questions/tests/projects
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Pre-AP DUE DATES (so far)


Interviews due Monday, May 5

Monday, May 5–Quiz #2, HOMS (to page 64)

Monday, May 12–Quiz #3, HOMS

Photo Vignette due Tuesday, May 13

Pre-reading notecards due Thursday, May 15

Thematic Motif–one-pager due Wed. May 21

Tuesday, May 27–Final blog posts due

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Week of April 21, 2014–LAST SIX WEEKS

Objective(s): TLW (The learner will) complete study questions/discussion questions. TLW read a novel. TLW participate in oral discussion of a novel. TLW take a vocabulary test or reading check quiz. TLW interview a fellow student.
TEKS: 1-vocab development (all sections); 5A, B, C & D-fiction reading; 7-literary allusion; symbolism; 15D-multimedia presentation
ELPS/CCRS: CCRS: Reading II. B.3 use reference guides;, B.1-vocabulary; Writing I.A-author’s purpose ELPS: Writing – 5. A-G skills
STAAR Domain(s): All domains
Novels, handouts; quizzes
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Students will complete blueprinting assignment. Quiz #1 for HOMS. Continue reading HOMS. Homework: Prepare for test on literary terms/Dandelion Wine
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game, Ch 6-7. Complete scavenger hunt handout for chapter. Exercise on Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers. Complete for homework.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Test on literary terms, D. Wine. Freewrite #1: Adolescents can be astute observers of their neighbors/neighborhoods. Interview a member of the class. Homework: Name project. 
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Games, read Ch. 6-7. Finish scavenger hunt. Chart of questions on Ch. 6-7.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Write about your most honored possession that you wouldn’t want to show up in a junk shop. “Gil’s Furniture” chapter in HOMS. Finish interviews. Begin writing up for presentation on Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: SSR of novel to Ch. 8. Study questions for Ch. 8.
Thursday Pre-AP: Present projects on names. Read HOMS. Using sticky notes, students should continue tracking their selected thematic motif. Homework: Throwback Thursday: My BFF. Write about your best friend. Consider adding photos. Blog post this entry. (due on Friday, May 2)
Periods 2-4-6-7: Student will complete study questions for Ender’s Game. Turn in at end of class. Test on Misplaced Modifiers (tentative)
Friday Pre-AP: Present interviews orally. Finish presenting projects on names.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game. Characters Caught in a Web handout/Lessons Learned. Complete in small groups.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks; reading response questions/graphic organizers
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Week of April 14, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read a novella or novel. TLW answer study questions. TLW take a vocabulary quiz. TLW take a reading check quiz. TLW respond to reading with reflective writing. TLW complete a blueprinting assignment.
TEKS: 2 (B); 4-archetypes; 2(C) evaluate figurative language; 5-fiction 5 (A) isolated scenes/contribution to the work; 5(B)- character’s moral dilemmas; 5(C)- connection between narrator/tone of work; 7-sensory language; 15.C-response to literary text; 15.C iii–aesthetic effects of author’s use of stylistic/rhetorical devices.12-C; 25-Listening and Speaking; Reading Skill-RC10A—using text aides
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: CCRS: Reading II. C.2; C.4; Writing I.A.4–1, 2, ; I.A.5
STAARDomain(s): All domains
Novels/novellas, handouts, notecards, study questions; quizzes, tests
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: HOMS-begin novella. Complete pre-reading question handout. Share responses with class. View youtube interview with Sandra Cisneros. Read vignette #1. Discuss handout on thematic motif/EQs
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ender’s Game. Chapter 4. Complete “Behind the Words/First Impressions” handout.
Tuesday Pre-AP: HOMS: “Hairs” Anecdote writing. Read the vignette. Complete the mirroring assignment-students will write about an aspect they share with their other family members. Planning sheet for an anecdote. Students will compose a brief vignette about a “hair incident” of their own.  Finish for homework.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game, Chapter 5. Complete questions for “The Launch.” Begin character analysis handout for Ender.
Wednesday Pre-AP: HOMS; “Your Name.” Read essay on nicknames. Students will complete handout on their own nickname and it’s origin. Students will research the meaning of their own names and present this information in an interesting way (powerpoint, poster, etc.)
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game; Quiz #1. Read Ender’s Game, Ch. 6. Complete Scavenger Hunt for Ch. 6./Word Search
Thursday Pre-AP: Vocabulary Unit #11 check homework/take quiz. HOMS: “Blueprinting” from NJWPT. Students will draw a “blueprint” of a place they once lived (or their present home). They will record three “stories” that took place on the blueprint using sticky notes.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game. Read Ch. 7.
Friday Pre-AP: Student holiday. Good Friday. He is Risen.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Student holiday. Good Friday. He is Risen.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/ reading response questions
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Story + Theme

Theme in this “completely made-up story”? The idea is that your personal life experience has taught you something that you’d reveal/use in your story. (IF you look over the RUBRIC as Kelsey has done.) It isn’t to be about you personally, but something you’ve learned–like being honest, being a friend, revenge, etc. If you draw a theme from a personal experience, then it’s more real in the story and your characters will demonstrate the theme much more clearly and with greater depth.
Think of Douglas in Dandelion Wine–haven’t you begged your parents for something and were denied? Because of that experience, you can relate to Douglas in a more personal way. It creates that pathos that Bradbury is wanting to reveal in Douglas because as the reader, we understand what he is going through. He is wanting to “fit in” and “catch up” with his friends. We’ve all experienced this at one time or another. The theme–the coming of age and maturity–means more to you as a reader this way.
So if “good wins” or “bad is defeated” in your story, you are using a theme.
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Notes on Dandelion Wine-Pre-AP


Students: I’m attaching the first part of my notes from the pericope from Dandelion Wine.  Remember to mark: similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, symbols (feet/shoes), juxtaposition, imagery, oxymoron, anaphora, logic (the rational dad) and pathos (Douglas the emotional). Look for examples of “magic” and “dreams” that indicate the transformation of the boy to a man.

Notes on D. Wine

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Week of April 7, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read a novella. TLW answer study questions. TLW create a “completely made-up story.” TLW read a science fiction novel.
TEKS: 1 (B) vocabulary-analyze textual context; 1 (E) use a dictionary to confirm meaning; 2(C) evaluate figurative language; 5-fiction 5 (A) isolated scenes/contribution to the work; 5(B)- character’s moral dilemmas; 5(C)- connection between narrator/tone of work; 7-function of symbolism, allegory, allusions; 14-writing literary texts
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: CCRS: Reading II. C.2; C.4; Writing I.A.4–1, 2, ; I.A.5
STAARDomain(s): All domains
Novels, handouts, study questions; novellas
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Warm-up: Watch an episode of “The Wonder Years” on youtube. Discuss flashback/nostalgic writing. Section from Dandelion Wine by Bradbury. Students will close read and mark for literary devices: simile, metaphor, thematic motif, symbols, etc.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Ender’s Game-ch. 1. Read orally. Discuss the characters in the story. Distribute questions for Ch. 1/homework.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Complete close reading/marking of Dandelion Wine excerpt. Continue working on literary terms vocabulary cards.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ch. 2 by Wed. Complete “In Context” exercise parts A&B. Vocabulary exercises on synonyms/antonyms from Vocabulary Workshop. Complete exercises. All are due on Friday at the end of class.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Discuss the final markup for Dandelion Wine section. Distribute Vocabulary Exercise #11. Preview words. Prewriting for “A Completely Made-up Story” from page 38 of Bernabei book./Distribute handout for prewriting. Walk students through the sections of the prewriting.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Chapter 2 questions-distribute to students. Answer for homework. Read Ch. 3 orally. Mini-lesson on misplaced modifiers.
Thursday Pre-AP:Plato Lab–write “Completely Made-Up Story”
Periods 2-4-6-7: Six weeks test. Second mini-lesson on misplaced modifiers. Chart on “Monitor the Situation”/students will complete the timeline in groups. Read Ch. 3 (finish if did not in class on Wed.)
Friday Pre-AP: Plato Lab–finish “Completely Made-Up Story.” Print and turn in for grade.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Exercise on misplaced modifiers from Vocabulary Workshop. Finish questions for Ender’s Game through Ch. 3. Read Ch. 4 silently.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/ reading response questions
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