Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Week of Oct. 9 Unit: Truth & Reality

Objective(s): TLW read a short story. TLW write a summary of a short story. TLW answer analysis questions on literary selections. TLW read a non-fiction op-ed article.
TEKS: 2.C-relate the figurative language of a literary work to historical/cultural setting; 5.A-analyze isolated scenes; 5.B-analyze differences in the characters’ moral dilemmas; 5.C- evaluate the connection between forms of narration; RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; workbook pages; vocab exercise; appropriate handouts; ACER notebooks, non-fiction articles; colored paper and notepads to create characterization foldables.
  Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Quiz #6 for TOTC. Period 5-present theme projects if needed. Watch end of TOTC video, focus on Carton’s scene of redemption. Homework: Read Ch. Book 3, Ch. 9.  Rough Draft due on Thurs.  Vocabulary #3 due 10/11.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Exercise set on commonly confused words: page 532, #1-20 in Writing Coach. Pages 173-174 of Ledbetter/Foldable for methods of characterization set up with sticky notes and paper (* STAAR Reading/Writing  Skill)  Complete for homework. Due Wednesday. Homework: Vocabulary Unit #1-packet due Tuesday, 10/15. Quiz that day.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Questioning strategy with TOTC chapter read for homework.
Homework: finish reading novel; bring questions for discussion from Ch. 10. Rough draft due 10/10 for AP TOTC essay.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Lesson on irony and ambiguity. Whole group instruction: view teacher-created powerpoint. Review definitions of three types of irony. Homework: Vocabulary Unit #1-packet due Tuesday. Silas Marner journals due tomorrow.
Wednesday PSAT for morning classes. Pre-AP: Ch. 10 leveled questions discussion. Homework: Vocab. Unit #3 exercise/quiz 10/11.  TOTC rough drafts due tomorrow. Final test on TOTC Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: View PowerPoint on “The Open Window.” Read “The Open Window” by Saki. Mini-lesson on point of view. Complete practice *POV exercises-small groups.  (*STAAR Reading Skill.) Distribute study questions* for “The Open Window.” (*STAAR Reading Skill builder.) Students will begin in class and complete. Homework: Cite examples from the story for characterization foldable. Vocabulary Unit #1-packet due Tuesday, 10/15.
Thursday Pre-AP: Final discussion on TOTC. Watch BBC French Revolution video. Homework: Test on TOTC Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Irony paragraph from “The Open Window.” Review T-E-X-T format for writing short answers. Students will complete paragraph in class and turn in. Analyzing POV for “Open Window”-complete chart. Turn in for daily grade.
Friday Pre-AP: Final Test on TOTC. Homework: Literary questions (due Tues.), read “The Monkey’s Paw” from literature book for Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Lesson on summarization. Read Where the Wild Things Are, write a summary pyramid. Do same pyramid for “The Open Window.” Complete summary page. Distribute packet for “The Monkey’s Paw” and complete vocabulary.
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; workbook pages; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test
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