Monday Dec. 9 to Tuesday Dec.17
Objective(s): | TLW read a drama. TLW answer analysis questions on a drama. TLW respond to quotations for a writing project. |
TEKS: | 2.A-theme; 2.B-archetypes/tragic flaw 2.C- figurative language/historical setting; RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; 4-Drama; 19.A/19.B-reading comprehension skills. |
ELPS/CCRS: | C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods. |
Materials: | Student lit books; handouts; lit vocab test (reg); vocab exercise |
Instructional Strategies for the week: | |
Monday | Pre-AP: Continue reading “Caesar”-read Act II & III. Answer study guide questions. Homework: Study questions for Act II. Quiz tomorrow. |
Periods 2-4-6-7: Coontinue reading “Antigone.” Students will work on third set of study questions-due Wed. Students will work in groups to record analysis of quotations from play.Homework: “Antigone” test on Wednesday over entire play. | |
Tuesday | Pre-AP: Quiz on Act II. Read “Caesar” Act III. Speech analysis due on Thursday for Act III. Homework: Note-taking sheet for Act III. |
Periods 2-4-6-7- Complete the reading of “Antigone.” Continue working in groups on quotes from “Antigone.” Turn in for grade. | |
Wednesday | Pre-AP: Finish reading play through Act III. “Caesar”test on Acts I-III on Thursday. Turn in all study questions. |
Periods 2-4-6-7: Grammar exercises in “Antigone” packet. Students will work to complete all summaries/questions in packet. Due on Friday. Homework: Test on “Antigone” tomorrow. Complete Antigone Worksheet (study questions) due tomorrow. | |
Thursday | Pre-AP: “Caesar”-Test on Acts I-III. Watch BBC video of Acts 4 & 5. Assign study questions for acts (work on in pairs or small groups). Turn in Monday. |
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Antigone.” Personal response to a quote exercise (Ledbetter). Students will write a short vignette responding personally to a quote (short version). Homework: Packet for “Antigone.” due Friday. | |
Friday | Pre-AP: Discuss questions on Acts 4 & 5. (Work in pairs or small groups). Turn in if completed-or turn in Monday. |
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quotations-complete Challenge section of quotation assignment. Turn in. | |
Monday | Pre-AP: Final test for “Caesar.” Quotation work for “Caesar.” Select two quotes for analysis. Students will use Drink-Think-Shrink-Link method on quotes. Turn in for grade. |
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue Ledbetter assignment for quotations. Students will write a piece responding to a quotation. | |
Tuesday | Pre-AP: Complete quotations. Students who want to take six weeks test may do so on this day. |
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete quotation assignment/writings. Students who want to take six weeks test may do so. | |
Assessment/Evaluation: | Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test |