Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Monday Dec. 9 to Tuesday Dec.17

Objective(s): TLW read a drama. TLW answer analysis questions on a drama. TLW respond to quotations for a writing project.
TEKS: 2.A-theme; 2.B-archetypes/tragic flaw 2.C- figurative language/historical setting; RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; 4-Drama;  19.A/19.B-reading comprehension skills.
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; handouts; lit vocab test (reg); vocab exercise
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Continue reading “Caesar”-read Act II & III. Answer study guide questions. Homework: Study questions for Act II. Quiz tomorrow.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Coontinue reading “Antigone.” Students will work on third set of study questions-due Wed. Students will work in groups to record analysis of quotations from play.Homework: “Antigone” test on Wednesday over entire play.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Quiz on Act II. Read “Caesar” Act III. Speech analysis due on Thursday for Act III. Homework: Note-taking sheet for Act III.
Periods 2-4-6-7- Complete the reading of “Antigone.” Continue working in groups on quotes from “Antigone.” Turn in for grade.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Finish reading play through Act III. “Caesar”test on Acts I-III on Thursday. Turn in all study questions.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Grammar exercises in “Antigone” packet. Students will work to complete all summaries/questions in packet. Due on Friday. Homework: Test on “Antigone” tomorrow. Complete Antigone Worksheet (study questions) due tomorrow.
Thursday Pre-AP: “Caesar”-Test on Acts I-III. Watch BBC video of Acts 4 & 5. Assign study questions for acts (work on in pairs or small groups). Turn in Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Antigone.” Personal response to a quote exercise (Ledbetter).  Students will write a short vignette responding personally to a quote (short version). Homework: Packet for “Antigone.” due Friday.
Friday Pre-AP: Discuss questions on Acts 4 & 5. (Work in pairs or small groups). Turn in if completed-or turn in Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quotations-complete Challenge section of quotation assignment. Turn in.
Monday Pre-AP: Final test for “Caesar.” Quotation work for “Caesar.” Select two quotes for analysis. Students will use Drink-Think-Shrink-Link method on quotes. Turn in for grade.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue Ledbetter assignment for quotations. Students will write a piece responding to a quotation.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Complete quotations. Students who want to take six weeks test may do so on this day.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete quotation assignment/writings. Students who want to take six weeks test may do so.
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test

Week of December 2, 2013 Unit: Drama

Objective(s): Pre:AP: TLW write an in-depth research paper on a short story. 20-Research/Research plan; 21-Gathering sources; 21.C- paraphrase, summarize, etc. researched information 22-Synthesizing information, 23-organizing and presenting researched ideas
TLW answer analysis questions on a drama.
TEKS: 2.A-theme; 2.B-archetypes/tragic flaw 2.C- figurative language/historical setting;10.A persuasive text RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; 4-Drama; 10.A-explain shifts in argument; 16.A-clear thesis based on logical support; 16.B-whole range of information; 16.F-range of appeals; 19.A/19.B-reading comprehension skills.
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; handouts; lit vocab test (reg); vocab exercise
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Read “The Soldier’s Dilemma” and answer discussion questions. Take notes on “Caesar.” Begin reading Act I, Sc. i.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Begin reading “Antigone” –background information. Complete Greek theatre charts and notes using Powerpoint. Students will read “Antigone,” Act I.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Read “Caesar” Act I. Complete note-taking page, turn in for grade.
Periods 2-4-6-7-Continue reading “Antigone.”
Complete study guide questions for Act I.
Wednesday Pre-AP: “Caesar”  Act II; students will complete note-taking guide. Homework: Begin Act II questions. 
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue reading “Antigone.” Complete student questions.
Thursday Pre-AP: “Caesar”-Continue reading. Take Vocabulary Quiz #5. Check packets and take quiz.  Homework: Read play to point of death of Caesar in Act III.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Antigone” (what have read so far).
Friday Pre-AP: “Caesar”-continue reading play. “Notorious Backstabs” exercise. Students will read about famous “back stabbing moments” in history and compare/contrast these with “Caesar.” Working in groups of two, students write a dramatic dialogue between Shakespeare’s Brutus and another “notorious backstabber” from the article.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue with “Antigone.” Complete Greek words in today’s word assignment. Ledbetter assignment–write a vignette.
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test

Week of Nov. 25 Unit: Reality and Illusion


Monday- Pre-AP students: Plato Lab for database research/continue writing rough draft for literary analysis paper. Second three pages due end of class.

Periods 2-4-6-7 will complete taking notes on Greek Theatre. View powerpoint, read background information on “Antigone” and complete note sheet.

Tuesday– Pre-AP students will work on rough drafts for analysis papers in Plato Lab. Homework: continue working on paper to meet deadline by Wed. end of class (final three pages).

Periods 2-4-6-7 complete an exercise for inference using “Pigeon: Impossible” video and questions.


(8)  Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author’s purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to analyze the controlling idea and specific purpose of a passage and the textual elements that support and elaborate it, including both the most important details and the less important details. (20)  Research/Research Plan. 20 (A) decide on topic; 20 (B)formulate a research plan. (21)  Research/Gathering Sources. 21(A) follow the research plan; 21(B)organize information; 21(C)cite information based on a standard format.

Week of Nov. 18 Unit: Persuasive Writing/Analysis

Objective(s): TLW write a practice STAAR-styled essay. TLW write a literary analysis. TLW read a non-fiction selection for style, persuasive techniques, and rhetoric.

(1) B-reading/vocabulary development;  RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development; (6)  Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Literary Nonfiction. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction; (8) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author’s purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. (9)  Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to: (A)  summarize text  (B)  distinguish among different kinds of evidence (e.g., logical, empirical, anecdotal) used to support conclusions and arguments in texts; (C)  make and defend subtle inferences and complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns; and (D)  synthesize and make logical connections between ideas and details in several texts selected to reflect a range of viewpoints on the same topic and support those findings with textual evidence. (13)  Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. (15)  Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts. Students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to: (A)  write an analytical essay of sufficient length that includes: (i)  effective introductory and concluding paragraphs and a variety of sentence structures; (ii)  rhetorical devices, and transitions between paragraphs; (iii)  a thesis or controlling idea; (iv)  an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context; (v)  relevant evidence and well-chosen details; and (vi)  distinctions about the relative value of specific data, facts, and ideas that support the thesis statement; (21)  Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:(A) follow the research plan to compile data from authoritative sources in a manner that identifies the major issues and debates within the field of inquiry; (B) organize information gathered from multiple sources to create a variety of graphics and forms (e.g., notes, learning logs); and (C)  paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number). (22)  Research/Synthesizing Information. Students clarify research questions and evaluate and synthesize collected information. Students are expected to: (A) modify the major research question as necessary to refocus the research plan; (B) evaluate the relevance of information to the topic and determine the reliability, validity, and accuracy of sources (including Internet sources) by examining their authority and objectivity; and (C) critique the research process at each step to implement changes as the need occurs and is identified. (23)  Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience. Students are expected to synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that: (A)  marshals evidence in support of a clear thesis statement and related claims; (B)  provides an analysis for the audience that reflects a logical progression of ideas and a clearly stated point of view; (C)  uses graphics and illustrations to help explain concepts where appropriate; (D)  uses a variety of evaluative tools (e.g., self-made rubrics, peer reviews, teacher and expert evaluations) to examine the quality of the research; and (E)  uses a style manual (e.g., Modern Language Association, Chicago Manual of Style) to document sources and format written materials.

ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: c/2C; c/2D; c/2I; c/3E; c/3G; c/3H; c/4C; c/4G CCRS: Reading A.1;A.5; A.7; II-B.1,2,3; IV.B.1
Materials: Student textbooks;Kelly Gallagher articles; STAAR resources.
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Plato Lab–research papers. Students will use databases and research information for literary analysis papers. Homework: Begin writing paper.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Finish article mark-up for “Skipping School.” Begin writing SA response planning sheet. Complete for homework.
Homework: All students will write 26-line essay for STAAR on “Indoors” due on Tuesday. All essays should include a magic-3,  anecdote, and internal dialogue.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Plato Lab–research papers. Students will use databases and research information for literary analysis papers. Homework: Begin writing paper.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Skipping School” article/ structure and analysis. Evaluate a poorly written persuasive essay. Peer edit an essay for “Indoors.” Are you really reading this? I you are, then shoot me an email. Continue working on SA responses. Homework: SA responses for “Skipping School” article.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Plato Lab–research papers. Students will use databases and research information for literary analysis papers. Homework: Continue writing paper. Rough drafts due on Monday. (part II) Research papers should be at 2000 words.
Periods 2-4-6-7: MUG # 7-8; Practice rewriting articles for persuasive. Article on “Cheating.” Mark and discuss with small groups. Follow pattern used in marking “Skipping School.” Test on article on Friday.
Thursday Pre-AP: Plato Lab–research papers. Students will use databases and research information for literary analysis papers. Homework: Continue writing paper.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete marking article for “Cheating.” Students will read “Swimming to Antarctica” in literature book. Answer questions at the end of the chapter. Complete workbook pages for non-fiction selection (vocabulary and literary questions.)
Friday Pre-AP: Plato Lab–research papers. Students will use databases and research information for literary analysis papers. Homework: Continue writing paper.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Cheating” article. Finish “Swimming” non-fiction selection and questions/workbook pages.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests

Week of November 11, 2013 Unit: Persuasive Writing/Analysis

Objective(s): TLW write a literary analysis. TLW will research short story critiques in the library databases. TLW write a persuasive paper. TLW analyze a non-fiction selection and respond with short answers.
TEKS: (6) Reading non-fiction. (7)A- sensory language. (8)  Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author’s purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to analyze the controlling idea and specific purpose of a passage and the textual elements that support and elaborate it, including both the most important details and the less important details. (16) Writing/Persuasive Texts. (18.B) sarcasm/irony (20)  Research/Research Plan. 20 (A) decide on topic; 20 (B)formulate a research plan. (21)  Research/Gathering Sources. 21(A) follow the research plan; 21(B)organize information; 21(C)cite information based on a standard format. (19.B) Inference
ELPS/CCRS: Writing ELPS E.F. & G./CCRS Writing—A.2. A.3. A.4.
Materials: Language books; story maps; handouts. Tests for literature. Six weeks tests.
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Continue discussion groups for “The Lottery.” Share with class. Homework: Discussion question set 2.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quick Write: show photo from National Geographic. Students are to use photo to create a “self-metaphor” and learn how to write the 3-Trick. Students will read Persuasive Essay #1 and analyze the paragraph. Students will conference with teacher on body paragraph #1 of essay on lying. Homework: Body paragraph #2 for lying essay.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Complete all discussions for “The Lottery.” Use student-generated discussion question responses for oral discussion.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “The Monkey’s Paw” and POV. Continue Persuasive writing lesson #2. Mark for topic sentences, transitions, magic three, vivid adjectives. Students will conference with teacher on body paragraph #2 of lying essay.  Homework: complete deconstructing essay #2. Write conclusion for lying essay.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Introduce literary analysis project. Review parts of project, how the process will work, deadlines, etc. Homework: Students are to select story they will work with for the project. Homework: Vocabulary Unit #5 packet.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Mini-lesson on inference. Complete handout on inference. If not complete, students will finish for homework. Conference with teacher on lying essay body paragraph #2. Students will plan own persuasive essay. Complete planning sheet. Homework: planning sheet/inference handout.
Thursday Pre-AP: Lesson on how to use research and creating a thesis statement. Students will use sticky notes to write notes from available research and arrange them to construct a thesis. Homework: Planning sheet for essay. Complete intro, summary, thesis.
Periods 2-4-6-7:  Practice on use of sarcasm and irony and how to provide the correct punctuation. Persuasive Writing Lesson #3: Students will write their own one-page multi-paragraph essay persuading readers of the value of being indoors. Essay should be 26 lines.
Friday Pre-AP: Plato Lab-continue working on rough drafts. Print out draft, daily grade will be given for properly embedded quotations.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete work on lying essay. Turn in for major grade. Read non-fiction selection on “Skipping School.” Students are to mark essay for writer’s skills used to persuade. Homework: Complete essay on being indoors.
Assessment/Evaluation: Writing lessons-whole group instruction. Pre-writing. Research information. Rough drafts. Final copies.
December 2024


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