Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Week of Nov. 4, 2013 Unit: Truth v. Reality

Objective(s): Pre:AP: TLW complete a test on short stories. TLW read a short story and complete an analysis for symbol and cultural connections. TLW answer analysis questions on literary selections. TLW complete short answer responses for a short story.
TEKS: 2.A-theme; 2.C- figurative language; RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; 16.A-clear thesis based on logical support
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; workbook pages; tests; vocab exercises
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP:Activities for determining inference. Whole group warm-ups. Analysis of song lyrics. Analysis of a music video.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Warm-Up: Inferences. Activities with music lyrics, music videos to determine how to infer in a selection.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Warm-up: Continue exercises with inference. Analysis of music video “Hazard” by Richard Marx. “Pigeon Impossible” exercises with cartoon.
Periods 2-4-6-7-same as Pre-AP/inference skills.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Read “The Lottery.” Complete questions based on a small group. Questions will be based on one of the themes of “The Lottery.”
Periods 2-4-6-7: POV exercise; Short answer responses from benchmark–redo. Short answer responses for “The Monkey’s Paw.” Students will plan responses and complete a STAAR designed response.
Thursday Pre-AP: Literature test over short stories.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Short Story Test.–could be Friday depending on scheduling.  Review “The Monkey’s Paw.” Use questions previously completed. Determine methods of building suspense. Find five significant quotations from the story. Explain why they are important. Homework: Complete Foldable on Characterization.
Friday Pre-AP: Discussion groups. “Silent Graffiti” exercise using “The Lottery.” Homework: Conversations across Time.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on short stories and irony (#1). Continue working on persuasive papers. Finish foldable (if need to use “Lamb”).
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; workbook pages; oral questioning; written responses; unit test

Week of Oct. 28, 2013 Unit: Truth vs. Reality

Objective(s): TLW answer analysis questions on literary selections-fiction. TLW take a benchmark test. TLW evaluate short stories for theme and point of view. TLW plan/write a persuasive essay. TLW write short answer responses.
TEKS: Reading 2.A-themes in different time periods; 2.C-figurative language/relate to historical and cultural setting; 5.A-analyze isolated scenes; 5.B-analysis of differences in moral dilemmas
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: Writing, A.1; Reading 9.A-identify and analyze the audience, purpose, and message of a persuasive text.
Materials: Student lit books; workbook pages; appropriate handouts; supplies for graphics
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Benchmark
Periods 2-4-6-7:Benchmark/”The Monkey’s Paw” questions (can begin if complete benchmark) Some classes will need to complete the reading of the selection.
Tues Pre-AP: Complete Benchmark if needed. Work on Vocabulary Unit #4/”Masque” questions. Answer questions for “Analyzing a Setting.” Homework: “Masque” questions due tomorrow.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete benchmark/”The Monkey’s Paw” questions/vocabulary from packet. Writing Coach assignment for double negatives.
Wednesday Pre-AP: “Masque of the Red Death.” Exercises for compare/contrast rooms with Shakespeare’s “Age of Man” speech. Homework: Vocabulary Unit #4
Periods 2-4-6-7-Exercise for POV; Re-write paragraph to change POV.  Begin exercise on Tone/Mood-mini-lesson. Students will determine tone/mood in sentences. Homework: Complete Tone/Mood handout if need extra time.
Thursday Pre-AP: Continue with “Masque” exercise-discuss color symbolism/literary symbols/connections with Shakespeare. Homework: Poe connection exercise.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Warm-up on “Topic Sentences.” Tone/Mood for “Monkey’s Paw.” Short answer responses for “The Monkey’s Paw.” Students will plan responses and complete answers. Complete for homework.
Friday Pre-AP: Read “The Lottery.” Short response questions for story. Homework: Complete “Talking Across” reading handout.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Review how to write a conclusion. Return planning sheets. Students will plan conclusions and begin working on essays in class. Homework: draft of persuasive essay #1. Due on Tuesday. Band students will turn in on Wed.
Assessment/Evaluation: Tests; analysis questions;oral questioning; written responses; unit test; quizzes; papers

Week of Oct. 21 Unit: Truth & Reality

Objective(s): TLW answer analysis questions on literary selections-fiction. TLW take a test on short stories. TLW evaluate short stories for theme and point of view. TLW write and evaluate a persuasive essay.
TEKS: Reading 2.A-themes in different time periods; 2.C-figurative language/relate to historical and cultural setting; 5.A-analyze isolated scenes; 5.B-analysis of differences in moral dilemmas
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: Writing, A.1; Reading 9.A-identify and analyze the audience, purpose, and message of a persuasive text.
Materials: Student lit books; workbook pages; lit vocab (reg); vocab exercise; appropriate handouts
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Nagging Assignment. Students will pre-write a paper on a “nag” per pre-writing instructions. Homework: Complete paper. (Double daily grade).
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete assignments for commonly confused words. Homework: Finish any incomplete assignments. Test on Thurs.
Tues Pre-AP: Pre-reading exercises for “Lamb to the Slaughter.” Read “Lamb to the Slaughter” /complete analysis questions. Homework: Finish questions; complete vocabulary Unit #4
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read “Edwin Fudwupper” to set schema for persuasive writing about lying. Distribute planning sheets. Students should plan hook/transition/thesis. Begin reading “The Monkey’s Paw” in the textbook (pg. 35). Homework: Study for commonly confused words test on Friday.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Read “The Cask of Amontillado.” Distribute analysis questions. Homework: Complete analysis questions-due on Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7- Explain how to complete body paragraphs for essay planning sheet. Finish reading “The Monkey’s Paw”-Tone/Mood exercise (STAAR); with Tone/Mood from “The Monkey’s Paw.” Homework: Body paragraphs for persuasive essay + conclusion.
Thursday Pre-AP: “The Masque of the Red Death”-read selection in literature book; notes on 7 deadly sins and meaning of colors in literature; symbolism/context clues chart on story Homework: Study questions for “Cask” due Fri.
Periods 2-4-6-7: POV warm-up exercise. Short answer questions for “The Monkey’s Paw.” Plan responses.  Identify various types of irony on student-generated chart.  Homework: Short answer responses.
Friday Pre-AP: “Masque” groups for graphics using Shakespeare’s “Age of Man” speech/compare to rooms in the house in the story.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on commonly confused words. Tone/Mood exercise from Ledbetter. Homework: Complete short answer responses if needed.
Assessment/Evaluation: Tests; analysis questions;oral questioning; written responses; unit test; quizzes; papers

Week of October 14 Unit: Truth & Reality

Objective(s): TLW respond to essay questions; TLW read a short story. TLW respond to study questions. TLW create a story map.TLW respond to a paradoxical question. TLW analyze point of view. TLW analyze irony.
TEKS: Reading/Comprehension Skills 1.A-academic vocab; 5 (A) draw conclusions about genre/comparing irony and paradox(B) The student is expected to: make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding Reading 7: Comprehension of Literary Text/Sensory Language. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about how an author’s sensory language creates imagery in literary text and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to explain the function of symbolism, allegory, and allusions in literary works. Reading 8: Comprehension of Informational Text/Culture and History. Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about the author’s purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. Students are expected to analyze the controlling idea and specific purpose of a passage and the textual elements that support and elaborate it, including both the most important details and the less important details. 16 Writing Persuasive Texts. A) Clear thesis B) Range of information D) Organized structure f) Range of appeals Listening and Speaking 26: Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. Students are expected to participate productively in teams, building on the ideas of others, contributing relevant information, developing a plan for consensus-building, and setting ground rules for decision-making.
ELPS/CCRS: 2(B), 2(C), 2(E), 3(A)/CCRS 10 (A), 1(C), 2.A.4;(C), 3(C), 4(C), 1(D), 2(D)
Materials: Workbook pages; textbooks
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Exercise on irony. Read Dave Barry article and analyze for irony. Homework: Literary Questions for “The Monkey’s Paw.” Complete and turn in on Wed. Short answer response questions for “The Monkey’s Paw” due tomorrow.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Warm-Up: Narrative perspective handout-practice deciding POV.  Read and evaluate. Practice exercises. Write paragraph of analysis for Irony in “The Open Window.” Turn in for grade. (Beginning on Friday) Summarization practice exercise using Where the Wild Things Are. Homework: Complete short answer if did not finish in class.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Whole group discussion for “The Monkey’s Paw.” Students will create leveled questions.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Vocabulary Quiz for Unit #1. Read “Lamb to the Slaughter;”  using Irony foldables, record examples of irony; assign analysis questions. Work on in class. Homework: Complete questions, due Thursday.
Wednesday Pre-AP: PSAT for a.m. classes. Work on analysis questions for “Paw.”/P.M. classes complete Ledbetter exercise on expanded moment.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Finish work on “Lamb.” Read “Edwurd Fudwupper” to prep for STAAR practice essay on lying (persuasive). Complete planning sheet. Finish planning sheet for homework.
Thursday Pre-AP:Paradoxical writing based on “The Monkey’s Paw.”  Homework: Finish paradoxical chart.  Read “The Sniper.” Complete Story board of selection. Due on Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Period 2: Vocabulary quiz. Workbook pages on foreshadowing for “Paw.” Read “The Monkey’s Paw.” Complete comprehension questions/analysis of characters. (STAAR)
Friday Pre-AP: Read “The Open Window.” Compare/Contrast charts over two short stories. Students may select any of the stories read and complete the chart.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue with short answer response questions, analysis questions. Finish workbook packet (STAAR vocabulary), “The Monkey’s Paw”Homework: Test next Tuesday on “The Open Window” and “The Monkey’s Paw.”
Assessment/Evaluation: Oral discussion; analysis questions; tests; quizzes; handouts

Week of Oct. 9 Unit: Truth & Reality

Objective(s): TLW read a short story. TLW write a summary of a short story. TLW answer analysis questions on literary selections. TLW read a non-fiction op-ed article.
TEKS: 2.C-relate the figurative language of a literary work to historical/cultural setting; 5.A-analyze isolated scenes; 5.B-analyze differences in the characters’ moral dilemmas; 5.C- evaluate the connection between forms of narration; RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; workbook pages; vocab exercise; appropriate handouts; ACER notebooks, non-fiction articles; colored paper and notepads to create characterization foldables.
  Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Quiz #6 for TOTC. Period 5-present theme projects if needed. Watch end of TOTC video, focus on Carton’s scene of redemption. Homework: Read Ch. Book 3, Ch. 9.  Rough Draft due on Thurs.  Vocabulary #3 due 10/11.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Exercise set on commonly confused words: page 532, #1-20 in Writing Coach. Pages 173-174 of Ledbetter/Foldable for methods of characterization set up with sticky notes and paper (* STAAR Reading/Writing  Skill)  Complete for homework. Due Wednesday. Homework: Vocabulary Unit #1-packet due Tuesday, 10/15. Quiz that day.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Questioning strategy with TOTC chapter read for homework.
Homework: finish reading novel; bring questions for discussion from Ch. 10. Rough draft due 10/10 for AP TOTC essay.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Lesson on irony and ambiguity. Whole group instruction: view teacher-created powerpoint. Review definitions of three types of irony. Homework: Vocabulary Unit #1-packet due Tuesday. Silas Marner journals due tomorrow.
Wednesday PSAT for morning classes. Pre-AP: Ch. 10 leveled questions discussion. Homework: Vocab. Unit #3 exercise/quiz 10/11.  TOTC rough drafts due tomorrow. Final test on TOTC Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: View PowerPoint on “The Open Window.” Read “The Open Window” by Saki. Mini-lesson on point of view. Complete practice *POV exercises-small groups.  (*STAAR Reading Skill.) Distribute study questions* for “The Open Window.” (*STAAR Reading Skill builder.) Students will begin in class and complete. Homework: Cite examples from the story for characterization foldable. Vocabulary Unit #1-packet due Tuesday, 10/15.
Thursday Pre-AP: Final discussion on TOTC. Watch BBC French Revolution video. Homework: Test on TOTC Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Irony paragraph from “The Open Window.” Review T-E-X-T format for writing short answers. Students will complete paragraph in class and turn in. Analyzing POV for “Open Window”-complete chart. Turn in for daily grade.
Friday Pre-AP: Final Test on TOTC. Homework: Literary questions (due Tues.), read “The Monkey’s Paw” from literature book for Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Lesson on summarization. Read Where the Wild Things Are, write a summary pyramid. Do same pyramid for “The Open Window.” Complete summary page. Distribute packet for “The Monkey’s Paw” and complete vocabulary.
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; workbook pages; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test
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