Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Story + Theme

Theme in this “completely made-up story”? The idea is that your personal life experience has taught you something that you’d reveal/use in your story. (IF you look over the RUBRIC as Kelsey has done.) It isn’t to be about you personally, but something you’ve learned–like being honest, being a friend, revenge, etc. If you draw a theme from a personal experience, then it’s more real in the story and your characters will demonstrate the theme much more clearly and with greater depth.
Think of Douglas in Dandelion Wine–haven’t you begged your parents for something and were denied? Because of that experience, you can relate to Douglas in a more personal way. It creates that pathos that Bradbury is wanting to reveal in Douglas because as the reader, we understand what he is going through. He is wanting to “fit in” and “catch up” with his friends. We’ve all experienced this at one time or another. The theme–the coming of age and maturity–means more to you as a reader this way.
So if “good wins” or “bad is defeated” in your story, you are using a theme.

Notes on Dandelion Wine-Pre-AP


Students: I’m attaching the first part of my notes from the pericope from Dandelion Wine.  Remember to mark: similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, symbols (feet/shoes), juxtaposition, imagery, oxymoron, anaphora, logic (the rational dad) and pathos (Douglas the emotional). Look for examples of “magic” and “dreams” that indicate the transformation of the boy to a man.

Notes on D. Wine

Notes for “A Popular Play



Notes for “The Bean Eaters


Bean Eaters

Notes for “Those Winter Sundays”


those winter

Notes on “Janet Waking”


Notes on Janet Waking


Notes on “My City” for Period 2-4-6-7


Notes on My City

Week of Sept. 30 Unit: Actions, Decisions & Consequences

Objective(s): TLW read a non-fiction op-ed article. TLW analyze a non-fiction article for writer’s craft. TLW write an analytical essay on symbolism. TLW create a theme presentation using technology. TLW complete a six weeks test.
TEKS: Reading 2.C-figurative language of a literary work/relate to historical and cultural setting; 6.A-evaluate syntax, diction, etc. RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; Writing/Expository Texts-15.A; Interpretive response to a literary text-15.C; Teamwork-26.A
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student novels; iPads, vocab exercises, yellow tablet paper for essays
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: TOTC Quiz #5; Complete editorial exercises–foldable/letter to editors instructions Homework: Begin brainstorming for TOTC AP Essay rough draft; Finish reading TOTC by Tuesday, Oct. 8th/Take-home six weeks test; Bring questions for class discussion on Tues.
Periods 2-4-6-7: MUG #4–turn in. Read Silas Marner. Complete cause/effect foldable.Homework: Read novel to end.  Complete handout on Pros-Cons of Eppie’s decision.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Leveled question discussion; Homework: take-home six weeks test; TOTC essay. Complete reading of novel.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Work on Symbolism essays. Students will “map” their essays and reconstruction the introduction, summary, thesis. Construct clear topic sentences. Homework: Complete essays, turn in on Thurs.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Theme project. Using Haiku Deck on the Ipad, students will create a “stack” that expresses a theme of TOTC. Homework: Take home six weeks test.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Themes from Silas Marner. Characters as Archetypes. Complete both handouts. Homework: Complete “Themes” and “Archetypes” handouts. Due on Thursday.
Thursday Pre-AP: Haiku Deck projects for theme. Homework: Take-home six weeks test.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Begin second set of open response questions for Silas Marner. Students will complete evidence sheets/open responses and turn in for a test grade. Homework: Short answer response questions. Due next Tuesday.
Friday Pre-AP: Present Theme projects. Watch TOTC video on Bastille revolt.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Six Weeks test: Silas Marner questions; conflict as applied to Silas Marner; vocab from Silas Marner; symbols in Silas Marner
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions;  oral questioning; written responses;  unit test

Week of Sept. 24 Unit: Decisions, Actions, & Consequences

Objective(s): TLW write short answer responses. TLW read a novel. TLW take a test on plot/conflict. (Pre-AP) TLW create a foldable for editorial writing elements.  TLW write a letter to the editor. TLW take a novel quiz. TLW compare and contrast the details of a novel and an eyewitness report of a riot in France.
TEKS: Reading 2.C-relate fig. language to historical and cultural setting. 5.A-analyze isolated scenes; 5.B-moral dilemmas; Reading 5.D-develop familiarity with selection; 5C—tone in works; 7-sensory language—make inferences and draw conclusions; Reading/Persuasive Text-10A- shifts in perspective in arguments. Reading Comprehension 10.A—analyze cultural context. (13)  Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: (A)  plan a first draft by selecting the correct genre for conveying the intended meaning to multiple audiences; 13.C-revise drafts; 13D-edit for grammar; 13.E-publish works for appropriate audiences; 15A-write an analytical essay
ELPS/CCRS: CCRS: ELA II-A.1- effective forms, A.4-importance of effective writing; C.1-Reading-read a wide variety of texts; II.A.7-reading;  III.B.2-Speaking-participate actively and effectively in group discussion.
ELPS: C.2.C-learn new language structures; C.2.I-demonstrate listening comprehension of increasingly complex spoken English; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocab; derive meaning of environmental print;4G—demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex English by responding to questions, taking notes; 4H—read silently with increasing ease, 4K-analytical reading skills
Materials: Reading test; quizzes; appropriate handouts; novels, foldable supplies
Instructional Strategies: Pre-AP: TOTC Quis #4. Read “Echoing Footsteps” aloud. Have students mark with sticky notes the action and detail of the rioters. Homework: Vocab. Quiz #2. Read to Ch. 21-Book III, Ch. 2 by Monday. Read article from London Times and mark action and detail.
Periods 2-4-6-7: MUG #3–grammar/usage warm-up. Review/answer questions for symbolism essay. Read Ch. 8 in Silas. Complete exercise for “Conflict” and Conflict notes for test on Thurs. Homework: symbolism essay due on Tues.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Day Two of “Echoing Footsteps” assignments. Students will work in pairs or threes to complete a chart on chart paper regarding the comparisons they discover between Dickens and the article on mob behavior. Vocabulary Unit #2 quiz.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Short answer response practice using questions about Silas Marner text. Whole group instruction concerning how to attack questions. Students will complete a planning sheet for four questions and turn in to be checked (will be assigned a partner or group of three.) Homework: Study notes and packets on conflict for test on Thursday. Assign re-writing for STAAR essays. Due on Friday. Re-write one paragraph and add two smiley-face tricks unless TOTAL rewrite required.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Morning class only. Watch BBC video on French Revolution. Homework: Read to Ch. 2 of Book Three by Monday
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Silas, Ch. 9-10 orally. Work on re-writes for essays.Morning classes only.
Thursday Pre-AP: Continue exercise on “Echoing Footsteps.” Present findings to class. Homework: Read to Ch. 2 of Book 3 for homework. Quiz on Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue writing short answer response questions. Turn in for grade. Students will take a test on plot and conflict.
Friday Pre-AP: Give directions for foldable and letters to the editor. Homework: Complete letters to the editor and foldable. Turn in for grade on Tuesday. Assign themes of TOTC. Students will create a Haiku Deck using pictures/words/images that represent one of the major themes of TOTC during class on Monday and Tuesday. Periods 2-4-6-7: Morning classes will complete a vocabulary assignment for Silas Marner.  Afternoon classes: Read Ch. 9-10 and complete vocabulary.
Assessment/Evaluation: Reading check quizzes; check orally for comprehension; group question activities; handouts; written paragraphs; all tests and quizzes modified for IEP students

Week of Sept. 16 Unit: Decisions, Actions & Consequences

Objective(s): TLW take a novel quiz and test. TLW write a rough draft for an expository essay. TLW identify the basic conflicts in a short story. TLW explore the historical background of a novel. TLW write a tone analysis.
TEKS: 2.A-compare and contrast themes; Reading  2.C-relate fig. language to historical and cultural setting.5.B-moral dilemmas; Reading 5.D-develop familiarity with selection; 5C—tone in works; 7-sensory language—make inferences and draw conclusions; Reading Comprehension 10.A—analyze cultural context. (13)  Writing/Writing Process. Students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students are expected to: (A)  plan a first draft by selecting the correct genre for conveying the intended meaning to multiple audiences; 13.C-revise drafts; 13.E-publish works for appropriate audiences; 15-write an analytical essay
ELPS/CCRS: CCRS: ELA II-C.1-Reading-read a wide variety of texts;III.B.2-Speaking-participate actively and effectively in group discussion.
ELPS: C.2.C-learn new language structures; C.2.I-demonstrate listening comprehension of increasingly complex spoken English; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocab; derive meaning of environmental print;4G—demonstrate comprehension of increasingly complex English by responding to questions, taking notes; 4H—read silently with increasing ease
Materials: Reading test; quizzes; appropriate handouts;
Instructional Strategies: Monday: Pre-AP: Take reading check quiz on TOTC, Book 2 Ch. 9-14. How to embed quotations lesson. Complete for homework. Assign DIDLS analysis paper to be written in class on Thurs./Fri. Students will receive planning chart to complete for writing. Due on Wed. Homework: Read to Ch. 15-20 by Monday. Vocabulary Unit #2-complete packet for quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 24. Periods 2-4-6-7: MUG #2 to practice usage/grammar. Conflict groups-discuss the various aspects of literary conflicts, complete handout. Fill out notes. HOMEWORK: Complete conflict assignment. Due on Wed. Tuesday: Pre-AP: Test on TOTC. Homework: DIDLS planning sheet due tomorrow. Vocabulary Unit #2-answer on notebook paper. Next quiz-Tues., Sept. 24. Periods 2-4-6-7: Reading check quiz on Silas, Ch. 4-5. Read Ch. 6 together. Planning sheet for expository essay on adjective describing self. Due tomorrow.
Wednesday: Pre-AP: How to have a leveled question discussion. Practice session. Homework: Vocabulary Unit 2. Read to Ch. 20 of Book Two by Monday.Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ch. 7. Begin handout on symbolism. Students should work through symbols found in literature and compare with the text. Short essay on symbolism due on Friday.Homework: Symbolism packet due on Friday.

Thursday: Pre-AP: Begin tone analysis in class. Test grade.  Homework: Work on analysis at home if needed. Read TOTC to Ch. 20; quiz on Monday.

Periods 2-4-6-7: In-class writing of expository essay on adjective that describes self. Complete for homework if needed. Begin working on Silas vocab. Read Ch. 8-10 by Monday.

Friday: Pre-AP: Complete tone analysis writing in class. Turn in.  Assign themes of TOTC. Students will create an on-line presentation using pictures/words/images that represent one of the major themes of TOTC. Due next Friday. Homework: Reading of novel to Ch. 20, theme project, vocabulary assignment.

Periods 2-4-6-7:  Continue working on vocab. Begin Cause-effect foldable for Silas Marner. Students will cite six cause-effect relationships from the novel to create a foldable.

Assessment/Evaluation: Reading check quizzes; check orally for comprehension; group question activities; handouts; written paragraphs; all tests and quizzes modified for IEP students
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