Why does my student have a zero in the gradebook?
Involved parents are genuinely concerned when they see their student has a zero in the gradebook for English II. There are several reasons why this happens:
1) Your student did not do the assignment.
2) Your student did not attend tutorials as requested to re-do an assignment and therefore did not earn their replacement grade. They have one day to do this. Once the day has passed, the opportunity has as well.
3) Your student actually received a zero because they did not complete the assignment at all and turned in a blank paper. Or your student just sat in class and did not do the assignment. They did not turn in a paper.
4) Your student copied their assignment word-for-word from another student. In this case, both student will receive a zero.
5) Your student was absent and NEVER MADE UP AN ASSIGNMENT. You’d be amazed how many students do not come in a take tests or quizzes they missed when they were absent.
6) Your student is planning to turn in an assignment a day late with a homework pass. I put zeroes in the gradebook because it is often exceptionally motivational. When a student sees what that one zero does to their average, they will give priority to the missed assignment. It also tells you as their parent that they are not completing work in a timely manner.
Please do not accept these excuses:
1) She lost my paper.
2) I turned that in weeks ago. She just hasn’t graded it yet.
3) She must have me mixed up with someone else.
4) She’s old and senile and it was supposed to be a 100, not a zero. She just can’t type.
5) I’m so busy making up math and science during Enrichment, I just haven’t gotten to English yet.