Enlivening English II/Pre-AP English II

Mrs. Bozeman's Sophomore English Classes

Week of February 18, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read a poetry selection. TLW write a STAAR essay.  TLW write a poetry analysis. Pre-AP TLW read and analyze a novella.
TEKS: Reading/vocab 1(B)-analyze textual context 1 (E)-use dictionary (3) Poetry; RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (B) Reading/Comprehension Skills—use evidence to support understanding; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development/STAAR review using appropriate TEKS throughout the week16 (A, B, C) Persuasive Writing Skills
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: (1) E/ c.2.C/ c.3.C/c.3.D; c.5.G CCRS: Reading II. C.2, 2.A, 3.A, 3.B
STAAR Domain(s): All domains
Literature books, handouts, student STAAR workbooks, study questions
Instructional Strategies
Monday Student Holiday
Tuesday Pre-AP: Complete in class essay for poems studied in class. Select one of the poems and complete an analysis. Students may use DIDLS, TPCASST or comparison. Due next Thursday, Feb 21. Homework: Read OMAM.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Introduction to poetry. Review poetic devices using Shel Silverstein poems. Read “My City” and complete questions.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Plato Lab to continue writing poetry analysis. Homework: Read OMAM.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read “My Name is Jorge.”
Complete analysis question page. Turn in for grade.
Thursday Pre-AP: Finish poetry analysis paper. Homework: Read OMAM.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read “Insecure Position.” Complete questions.
Friday Pre-AP: Practice 1 due for OMAM. Quiz on Ch. 1-2. Discuss novel structure.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read “Janet Waking” practice TPCASTT structure. Complete analytical question sheet.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests
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Poems for Pre-AP Poetry Test


The test is THURSDAY, 2/13

These poems will be on the test:

“Those Winter Sundays”

“My City”

“Out, Out–”

“Making a Fist”

“Janet Waking”

“Insecure Position”

“Death of the Hired Man”

“Taught Me Purple”



Questions include themes, symbols, basic action, and literary devices used.

Multiple Choice. True/False format.

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Week of February 10, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read a short story. TLW write Bloom’s-based questions. TLW write a STAAR essay. TLW complete STAAR practice exercises. Pre-AP TLW read and analyze poetry.
TEKS: (1) A-Reading/Vocabulary development; B-reading/vocabulary development; (2) B-reading comprehension of a literary text; (3) Poetry; RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (B) Reading/Comprehension Skills—use evidence to support understanding; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development/STAAR review using appropriate TEKS throughout the week
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: (1) E/ c.2.C/ c.3.D; c.5.G CCRS: Reading II. C.2
STAAR Domain(s): All domains
Literature books, handouts, student-created study questions
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Read “Out,Out–” by Robert Frost/annotate.
Take background notes for “Death of the Hired Man.” Homework: Vocab. #8/Six weeks test if needed.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete oral reading of “The Palace Thief.” Construct questions using question stems from Bloom’s packet.Homework: Six weeks test if needed.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Check Vocab. #8 packet/take quiz. Discuss “Death of the Hired Man.” Begin working on chart for poem.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue creating questions/answers using “The Palace Thief.” Share questions/small groups. Bring to whole group discussion of questions/answers.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Finish “DOTHM” and complete chart on Character Comparison.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete Bloom’s questioning. Students will construct questions from various levels of Bloom’s and discuss in small groups.
Thursday Pre-AP: Test on Poetry.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Plan essay on cheating.
Friday Pre-AP: Check out OMAM, read Ch. 1. Homework: read entire novel.
Periods 2-4-6-7:Write essay on cheating in class.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests
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Week of February 3, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read poetry selections. TLW write a short answer response. TLW complete STAAR practice exercises for non-fiction, SA response, essay. Pre-AP TLW read and analyze poetry. TLW write a poetry analysis.
TEKS: (1) A-Reading/Vocabulary development; B-reading/vocabulary development; (2) B-reading comprehension of a literary text; (3) Poetry. (16) Persuasive Texts. (17) Oral and Written Conventions. RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (B) Reading/Comprehension Skills—use evidence to support understanding; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development ; (7) Poetry;
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: (1) E/ c.2.C/ c.3.D; c.5.G CCRS: Reading II. C.2
Literature books, handouts, student workbooks, study questions; graphic organizers
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Read “Taught Me Purple” by Evelyn D. Hunt/complete DIDLS chart for the poem.
Periods 2-4-6-7: STAAR practice test with OMAM, non-fiction passage, short answers, persuasive essay.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Warm up-fist graphic: students will reflect/record their impressions of various illustrations of a fist. Read “Making a Fist” in literature book, pg. 664/fill “Poetry Analysis Worksheet”
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue STAAR practice test.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Read “Couchant Bryant, Headmaster” in “The Border” page 23. Students will use TPCASTT to analyze.
Periods 2-4-6-7: STAAR Revising and Editing practice exercise. Complete practice test. Turn in.
Thursday Pre-AP: Read “The Bean Eaters.” Complete questions for homework. Read “Those Winter Sundays.” Begin analysis chart. Complete in class on Friday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read “The Palace Thief” orally. (short story).
Friday Pre-AP: Finish chart on “Those Winter Sunday”–do crossover piece for theme. (STAAR practice).
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete oral reading of “The Palace Thief.”
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests
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Week of January 27, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read fiction selections. TLW write a short answer response. TLW complete STAAR practice exercises. TLW complete graphic organizers for literary devices used in poetry.
TEKS: (1) B-reading/vocabulary development (2) C- relate figurative language to historical setting (3) Poetry. (5) 5.A-analyze isolated scenes, 5.B- analyze differences in the characters’ moral dilemmas, 5.C evaluate the connection between forms of narration and tone, (7) sensory language. 16-Writing persuasive texts RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS:c/2G; c/4K, c/5C; c/5D; c/5E, c/5F CCRS: Reading A.1;A.5; A.6; A.7;A.10; II-B.1,2,3; IV.B.1
Materials: Student novels; handouts for HOMS/ OMAM as needed; notes for Structure of novel; expository prompt and handouts
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Poetry introduction: “Mushrooms” by Plath, “Oranges” by Soto. Read and evaluate. Mark poems for literary devices, theme, symbolism.
Periods 2-4-6-7: STAAR essays-complete essay on home/friends planned last week. Write in class and turn in for a grade.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Poetry: “Janet Waking”-mark and complete a chart for DIDLS of poem.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue reading OMAM-Chapter 5. Distribute Chapter 5-6 Reading and Study Guide, students will complete and turn in when finished with Ch. 5-6 ( Friday) .
Wednesday Pre-AP: “Insecure Position” by Ratan; read poem, mark, answer questions. “Making a Fist”–read, mark as a DIDLS practice. Complete questions “Insecure”) and analysis questions (“Fist”) for homework-due tomorrow.–1/2 day
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ch. 6./Practice #5 from Applied Practice.
Homework: Complete all study questions for Ch. 5-6. Due Friday.
Thursday Pre-AP: Quiz on Vocab. #7.  Read “My City” in textbook/discuss sonnet style/literary devices being used. Afternoon classes–work on poems from Wed.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Characterization charts from OMAM identifying examples of direct/indirect characterization. (Small groups) Complete for homework if needed
Friday Pre-AP: Read “My Name is Jorge”/ creative writing assignment: write poem from POV of mother or librarian.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Check study questions for Ch. 5-6. Final test on OMAM. Turn in novels.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/ reading responses/questions/tests
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Week of January 21, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read fiction selections. TLW write a short answer response. TLW complete STAAR practice exercises. TLW re-write a practice STAAR-styled essay. TLW complete a setting analysis/graphic.
TEKS: (1) B-reading/vocabulary development; (2) B-analyze archetypes, (2) C- relate figurative language to historical setting (5) 5.A-analyze isolated scenes, 5.B- analyze differences in the characters’ moral dilemmas, 5.C evaluate the connection between forms of narration and tone, 16-Writing persuasive Texts (A-D); RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS:c/2G; c/4K, c/5C; c/5D; c/5E, c/5F CCRS: Reading A.1;A.5; A.6; A.7;A.10; II-B.1,2,3; IV.B.1
Materials: Student novels; handouts for OMAM as needed; notes for Structure of novel; persuasive prompt and handouts
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: MLK Student Holiday
Periods 2-4-6-7: MLK Student Holiday
Tuesday Pre-AP: Persuasive Essay #2. Students will plan/write and turn in essay during class.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue reading OMAM-Chapter 4. Distribute Chapter 4 Reading and Study Guide, students will complete and turn in when finished with Ch. 4. (Friday) Read part of Ch. 4.
Wednesday Pre-AP: “Something for Everyday”-writing practice on vignette “When I Am Old.”-pgs. 266-68.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Read Ch. 4. Begin chart on “Loneliness.” Give out assignment on “Crooks’ Room” with supplies/explanation. Homework: Complete all study questions for Ch. 4. Due Friday.
Thursday Pre-AP: PBLs for “The Palace Thief.”
Periods 2-4-6-7: Begin essay in class. Homework: Work on “Crooks’ Room” assignment.
Friday Pre-AP: Period 1:STAAR practice exercises-# 1 Revising and Editing; Reading practice with short answer responses./Period 5-PBLs for “The Palace Thief.” Homework: STAAR practice pkts.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quiz on Ch. 4. Complete work on “Crooks’ Room.”
Begin reading Ch. 5 of OMAM.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests
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Week of Jan. 13, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read fiction selections. TLW write a short answer response. TLW complete STAAR practice exercises. TLW write a practice STAAR-styled essay.
TEKS: (1) B-reading/vocabulary development; (2) B-reading comprehension of a literary text; (5) 5.A-analyze isolated scenes, 5.B- analyze differences in the characters’ moral dilemmas, 5.C evaluate the connection between forms of narration and tone, 5.D-familiarity with works by authors from non-English-speaking literary traditions 15-Writing Expository Texts (A-D); RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS:c/4K, c/5C; c/5D; c/5E, c/5F CCRS: Reading A.1;A.5; A.6; A.7;A.10; II-B.1,2,3; IV.B.1
Materials: Student novels; handouts for OMAM as needed; non-fiction selections; persuasive prompt and handouts; STAAR practice exercises for OMAM
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Kilgore College Day/PLATO lab (tentative)
Periods 2-4-6-7: Kilgore College Day/PLATO lab (tentative)
Tuesday Pre-AP: Vocabulary Quiz #6. Check homework and take quiz. Distribute persuasive prompt #2-value of single-sex school. Students will complete planning sheet. Homework: Planning sheet for essay. Due on Wed./Short answer responses for “Skipping School.”
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue reading OMAM.  Distribute Chapter 3 Reading and Study Guide, students will complete and turn in when finished with Ch. 3.(Friday) Read part of Ch. 3. Intro persuasive essay on home versus friendship. Homework: Plan sheet for persuasive.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Turn in planning sheets. Read/evaluate article on education. Complete K-W-L sheet, paragraph for essay. Due on Thurs.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Students will turn in planning sheets for persuasive essay. Work on Character Charts for OMAM/”Loneliness.” Read part of Ch. 3.Homework: Complete all study questions for Ch. 3. Due Friday.
Thursday Pre-AP: Write essay in class on persuasive topic.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quiz on Ch. 3 of OMAM. Persuasive Writing exercise (folder)-practice exercise. “I Don’t Want a Cat.” Homework: Persuasive essay on friendship/home. Due tomorrow.
Friday Pre-AP: Test on non-fiction article. “Education”/Revising and Editing Skills check using “Best Friends” from Ledbetter.
Periods 2-4-6-7:  Turn in essay. Universal Screen for Spring Semester. Read OMAM, Ch. 4.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests
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Week of Jan. 6, 2014

Objective(s): TLW read fiction selections. TLW write a short answer response. TLW complete STAAR practice exercises. TLW write a practice STAAR-styled essay. TLW read and respond to a non-fiction selection.
TEKS: (1) B-reading/vocabulary development; (2) B-reading comprehension of a literary text; (5) 5.A-analyze isolated scenes, 5.B- analyze differences in the characters’ moral dilemmas, 5.C evaluate the connection between forms of narration and tone, RC-10 (A) Reading comprehension skills; (1) A; E reading/vocabulary development
ELPS/CCRS: ELPS: c/2C; c/2D; c/2I; c/3E; c/3G; c/3H; c/4C; c/4G CCRS: Reading A.1;A.5; A.7; II-B.1,2,3; IV.B.1
Materials: Student novels; handouts for OMAM as needed; BBC video for American Dream
Instructional Strategies
Monday Pre-AP: Check out The Palace Thief; SSR of story. Homework: Finish reading short story selection;   Vocabulary Unit #6
Periods 2-4-6-7: Check out OMAM, video on historical background of novel (BBC). Begin reading Chapter 1 orally.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Discussion on persuasive writing plan sheets; work on planning first persuasive essay. View: Mr. Sato video on “hooks.” Transitions worksheet. Homework: Complete planning sheet.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue reading OMAM. Take notes on setting/structure. Distribute Chapter 1 & 2 Reading and Study Guide, students will complete and turn in when finished with Ch. 2. Read “Best Friends” by Ledbetter. Homework: Complete a new paragraph for “Best Friends” from Ledbetter.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Students will turn in planning sheets for teacher to check. Give out project menu for PBL and explain. Assign due date. Students will read “Skipping School” from K. Gallagher. Analyze article by marking with various points of devices at work. Follow handouts on highlighting/marking a non-fiction text. Complete a K-W-L chart and response paragraph. Homework: Response paragraph due on Thurs.
Periods 2-4-6-7: STAAR questions for OMAM from Applied Practice. Students will use novel to answer questions and complete two short answer responses. Turn in for grade. Homework: Complete all study questions for Ch. 1-2. Due Thursday.
Thursday Pre-AP: Complete work on non-fiction reading if time is needed. Persuasive writing: Begin essay in class.  Homework: Vocab. Unit #6/PBL project/persuasive essay
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete “Using Specific Details in Narration” exercise. Turn in for grade. Begin working on Character Chart for OMAM (small groups) SSR-Ch. 3 of OMAM. Homework: quiz on OMAM ch. 1-2 Friday.
Friday Pre-AP: Students will “room walk” essays completed by peers and make comments on sticky notes. Students will rewrite essays and turn in on Monday./Test on “Skipping School” article/non-fiction reading skills.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quiz on Ch. 1-2 of OMAM. Persuasive writing exercise: “I Don’t Want a Cat” Read selection and have students write own paragraph. Finish for homework.
Assessment/Evaluation: quizzes/handouts/oral reading checks/STAAR practice exercise; reading response questions/tests
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Monday Dec. 9 to Tuesday Dec.17

Objective(s): TLW read a drama. TLW answer analysis questions on a drama. TLW respond to quotations for a writing project.
TEKS: 2.A-theme; 2.B-archetypes/tragic flaw 2.C- figurative language/historical setting; RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; 4-Drama;  19.A/19.B-reading comprehension skills.
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; handouts; lit vocab test (reg); vocab exercise
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Continue reading “Caesar”-read Act II & III. Answer study guide questions. Homework: Study questions for Act II. Quiz tomorrow.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Coontinue reading “Antigone.” Students will work on third set of study questions-due Wed. Students will work in groups to record analysis of quotations from play.Homework: “Antigone” test on Wednesday over entire play.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Quiz on Act II. Read “Caesar” Act III. Speech analysis due on Thursday for Act III. Homework: Note-taking sheet for Act III.
Periods 2-4-6-7- Complete the reading of “Antigone.” Continue working in groups on quotes from “Antigone.” Turn in for grade.
Wednesday Pre-AP: Finish reading play through Act III. “Caesar”test on Acts I-III on Thursday. Turn in all study questions.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Grammar exercises in “Antigone” packet. Students will work to complete all summaries/questions in packet. Due on Friday. Homework: Test on “Antigone” tomorrow. Complete Antigone Worksheet (study questions) due tomorrow.
Thursday Pre-AP: “Caesar”-Test on Acts I-III. Watch BBC video of Acts 4 & 5. Assign study questions for acts (work on in pairs or small groups). Turn in Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Antigone.” Personal response to a quote exercise (Ledbetter).  Students will write a short vignette responding personally to a quote (short version). Homework: Packet for “Antigone.” due Friday.
Friday Pre-AP: Discuss questions on Acts 4 & 5. (Work in pairs or small groups). Turn in if completed-or turn in Monday.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Quotations-complete Challenge section of quotation assignment. Turn in.
Monday Pre-AP: Final test for “Caesar.” Quotation work for “Caesar.” Select two quotes for analysis. Students will use Drink-Think-Shrink-Link method on quotes. Turn in for grade.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue Ledbetter assignment for quotations. Students will write a piece responding to a quotation.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Complete quotations. Students who want to take six weeks test may do so on this day.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Complete quotation assignment/writings. Students who want to take six weeks test may do so.
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test
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Week of December 2, 2013 Unit: Drama

Objective(s): Pre:AP: TLW write an in-depth research paper on a short story. 20-Research/Research plan; 21-Gathering sources; 21.C- paraphrase, summarize, etc. researched information 22-Synthesizing information, 23-organizing and presenting researched ideas
TLW answer analysis questions on a drama.
TEKS: 2.A-theme; 2.B-archetypes/tragic flaw 2.C- figurative language/historical setting;10.A persuasive text RC-10.A-reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension; 4-Drama; 10.A-explain shifts in argument; 16.A-clear thesis based on logical support; 16.B-whole range of information; 16.F-range of appeals; 19.A/19.B-reading comprehension skills.
ELPS/CCRS: C.2.C-learn new language; C.2.D-monitor spoken language during class; C.3.E-share information in cooperative learning interactions; C.4.C-develop basic sight vocabulary/CCRS: II.C. Reading-analyze information within literary texts from a variety of cultures and historical periods.
Materials: Student lit books; handouts; lit vocab test (reg); vocab exercise
Instructional Strategies for the week:
Monday Pre-AP: Read “The Soldier’s Dilemma” and answer discussion questions. Take notes on “Caesar.” Begin reading Act I, Sc. i.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Begin reading “Antigone” –background information. Complete Greek theatre charts and notes using Powerpoint. Students will read “Antigone,” Act I.
Tuesday Pre-AP: Read “Caesar” Act I. Complete note-taking page, turn in for grade.
Periods 2-4-6-7-Continue reading “Antigone.”
Complete study guide questions for Act I.
Wednesday Pre-AP: “Caesar”  Act II; students will complete note-taking guide. Homework: Begin Act II questions. 
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue reading “Antigone.” Complete student questions.
Thursday Pre-AP: “Caesar”-Continue reading. Take Vocabulary Quiz #5. Check packets and take quiz.  Homework: Read play to point of death of Caesar in Act III.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Test on “Antigone” (what have read so far).
Friday Pre-AP: “Caesar”-continue reading play. “Notorious Backstabs” exercise. Students will read about famous “back stabbing moments” in history and compare/contrast these with “Caesar.” Working in groups of two, students write a dramatic dialogue between Shakespeare’s Brutus and another “notorious backstabber” from the article.
Periods 2-4-6-7: Continue with “Antigone.” Complete Greek words in today’s word assignment. Ledbetter assignment–write a vignette.
Assessment/Evaluation: Graphic organizers; tests; analysis questions; oral questioning; written responses; vocabulary quiz; unit test
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